How to join the property development cooperative

How can I become a member of the property development cooperative?


The 6 steps to join are as follows:

  1. Please read the documents carefully. We also strongly recommend attending one of our regular information events Information event (see below for the next scheduled date).
  2. If you found a flat and would like to become a member of the property development cooperative, please fill out the membership application north , membership application east  or membership application center and send it by email to You will then be given an appointment for a consultation with the project management. This appointment is compulsory. If you wish, you can also consult the architect of your building.
  3. The planners and project management will check your application and let you know whether you are accepted into the property development cooperative.
  4. The flat you would like to have will then be reserved for you. In the next step, please clarify your financing.
  5. If you decide to join, please transfer the ‘membership fee’ of €2,000 (or € 3,000 including parking space), which will be credited to your later payments. After this payment has been received on the account of the property development cooperative, the flat is occupied by you.
  6. After you have clarified your financing, you sign the accession agreement to join the building community at the notary’s office. This means you become a co-owner and are registered in the land register.

All the documents you need to join the property development cooperative:

  1. General plan of the entire community showing the individual construction phases
  2. Underground parking plan
  3. Details of the flats in building 5 (Occouied), building 6, building 7 or building 8 and building 4, building 9 or building 10
  4. Preliminary building specifications 5-6-7-8, Building specifications 4-9-10
  5. List of flats with indication of the expected construction costs
  6. Articles of Association of the property development cooperative Baugemeinschaft Nestbau³ Nord GbR
  7. Application to join the property development cooperative North
  8. Application to join the property development cooperative East
  9. Application to join the property development cooperative center


We would be happy to send you the following by email:

  • the list of flats
  • the overall payment plan, and
  • the Articles of Association of the property development cooperative (Baugemeinschaft Nestbau 3 GbR as of February 2023)


For further information or queries, we cordially invite you to our next information event
April, 9th 2025 at 5:30 pm at the Office Nestbau³, Eugen-Martin-Straße 23, 79106 Freiburg im Breisgau.


What happens in the meetings during the planning and development phase?

Regular property development cooperative meetings are prepared and chaired by the project management. The joint project is driven forward and continuously fine-tuned in these meetings. This is where decisions are made by the members with a 2/3 majority, for example, on development standards, design options, courtyard concept, choice of materials, etc., but also concerning the award of contracts or any changes to plans that may become necessary. Each flat, regardless of its size, has one vote.